The “Stop-Tite®” AAL (automatic operation, automatic lights) vehicle restraint has push button activation (115V/1PH) with a unique dual locking restraint arm to minimize “trailer creep”. It has a low profile, non-impact design for wall or driveway mount. The remote power pack allows choice of mounting location. It can be mounted next to restraint, on the outside wall away from backing trailer, inside a leveler pit or positioned inside the building for ease of service. An override selector switch, audible alarm if no RIG, automatic light sequencing of the red/green inside/outside lights and available interlock terminals are all designed with safety in mind. The “Stop-Tite®” AAL comes with a protective debris guard and an industrial grade powder coat finish. It features a full one (1) year base warranty on all structural, hydraulic and electrical components. It also meets all current NHTSA regulations.
- Push button activation (115v single phase operation) with automatic light sequencing of inside/outside red/green lights
- Low profile, non-impact design (wall or driveway mount)
- Unique dual locking restraint arm to minimize “trailer creep”
- Remote power pack with translucent reservoir
- Audible alarm in the event of no rear impact guard (RIG)
- Interlock terminals for leveler and/or powered overhead door interlock
- Protective black/yellow debris guard
- Designed to accommodate rear impact guard (RIG) outlined in 1998 NHTSA regulation
- One (1) year base warranty on structural, hydraulic and electrical components