UltraFreeze High Speed Door
Durable, Fast and Climate Control for Cold Storage Freezer Use
Dock & Door Systems, Inc' self-repairing UltraFreeze™ high speed door is designed for high traffic cold storage freezer applications where the need for speed is paramount. When fork-truck traffic is high, door speed is important, climate control is critical and safety concerns are at a premium, UltraFreeze™ is the solution.
UltraFreeze™ high speed cold storage doors are tough, built to last and engineered to cycle hundreds of thousands of times.
Speed & Panel
High Performance
• Speed: UltraFreeze opens at up to 100 inches per second.
• 2-Ply monofilament panel material standard with 3-Ply and Vinyl optional.
• Blue or Yellow panel material is standard, consult factory for other color availability.
• Optional Visibility: 17" or 24" square windows.