High-Speed Roll Up Door - Conveyor Style
- Space efficient design.
- Unitized high-strength panels for optimum security.
- Designed for high-speed, high-cycle usage.
- Fully weather sealed.
- Electric reversing edge.
- PLC Controls
- Unitized interlocking slats with anodized aluminum exterior.
- Shock absorbing PVC interior surface and dense foam insulation.
Direct Drive Unit
- Electric heavy-duty 3/4 hp direct drive power system for speed and long life.
- Up to 2ft./per sec. open and 1ft./per sec. close.
Door Sizes
- Maximum 8' x 8'.
(Other sizes-Consult factory)
Panel Construction
- Unitized design.
- Exterior face constructed of anodizedaluminum.
- Interior face costructed of rigid PVC.
- Full perimeter gas-kets.
- Poured polyurethane foam.
- “K” factor of .12 at 75°F.
Electric Direct Drive
- Two Speed:Open 20 inches/sec. Close 10 inches/sec.
- NEMA-4 fiberglass control box.
Performance Features
- Reversing edge for instant stop/reverse.
- Manual override.
- Activation Devices:
Pull cord.
Single push button.
Radio control.
Loop detector.
Motion detector.
Time delay close.
- Front mounted operator.
- Window slats (in 4 slat increments).
- Locking device.
- Operator and barrel shrouds.
- One year limited warranty on all components.