High-Speed Fabric Roll-Up Door System
The Spirit Clean Environment Roll-Up Door is designed for food and beverage industy applications that require frequent washdown, wipedown and cleanroom inspection.
- Stainless steel, 304 #4 finish, side covers and bottom bar. (Optional stainless steel barrel and operator shrouds.)
- Easy to clean and washdown. Easy to inspect side guides.
- Tight perimeter sealing .060” thick plastic impregnated woven multi-filament polyester material. Material shall be in white or blue. Withstands both negative and positive pressure differentials.
- Emergency floor accessible manual door operation. (Optional inside release.)
- Counterweight system reduces maintenance by eliminating all springs.If accidentally hit, Quick Flex-Tab™ reset system enables curtain and bottom bar to be set back into place in Seconds...No tools...No side covers toopen...No costly door damage.
- Sensitive Softouch™ reversing edge provides quickstop & reverse along the full width and travel of the door.Pneumatic reversing edge recommended for continuous washdown conditions.
- Two speed roll-up door offering up to a 42”/second opening capability.
- Low-maintenance operator. Gear train is sealed and lubricated for life.
Door Sizes
- Minimum: 8' x 8'.
- Maximum: 12' x 14'.
(Other sizes available, consult factory.)
Panel Construction
- White or blue .060” thick plastic impregnated woven multi-filament, one ply polyester material.
Operator Features
- In-line, high efficiency 3/4 hp electrical motor. NEMA 4 fiberglass control box.
- Two speed operation:
Open up to 42"/sec.
Close at 21"/sec.
(Other speeds available)
Performance Features
- Reversing edge for instant stop/reverse.
- Send & receive photoeye built in side frame.
- Breakaway bottom bar.
- Manual release on operator side.
- Pull cord actuator.
- Remote mount push buttons.
- Photoeye activation.
- Radio control activation- single or multiple channel transmitter.
- Loop detector system.
- Motion detector.
- Pre-announce to close kit (light/alarm/or combo).
- Time delay close.
- Stainless steel barrel and operator shroud.
- Vision panel - 27" high across full width of panel.
- Emergency manual release on non-operator side of door.
- Sloped shroud.
- One year limited warranty on all components.